Retail Media Insights

The Rise of Retail Media: Transforming Retailers into Advertising Powerhouses

The rise of Retail Media from analog hello money, to sophisticated digital advertising platforms
Shane Fay
4 minutes

In the rapidly evolving retail landscape, a significant transformation is underway as major retailers increasingly create and operate their own advertising platforms. This phenomenon, known as retail media, is reshaping the industry and unlocking substantial growth opportunities. A recent article from the Harvard Business Review highlights the immense potential and strategic challenges associated with this trend, underscoring why retailers are diving headfirst into this lucrative market.

Unprecedented Growth and Success

Retail media has emerged as a critical growth driver for retailers, with Amazon setting the benchmark for success. In 2023, Amazon generated a staggering $46.9 billion from advertising, primarily through sponsored ads on its platform. This revenue surpasses the annual global income of iconic brands like Coca-Cola and positions Amazon as the third-largest advertising platform in the United States, trailing only Google and Facebook .

Following Amazon's lead, other retailers are swiftly moving to establish their own retail media platforms. Companies such as Dick’s Sporting Goods, Home Depot, Instacart, Lowe’s, Macy’s, Ulta, and Walmart have all launched initiatives to tap into this burgeoning market. For instance, Walmart's retail advertising revenue reached $3.4 billion in 2023, while Target and Instacart each earned over $1 billion from their respective platforms .

The Driving Force Behind Retail Media

The allure of retail media lies in its tremendous growth potential and profitability. McKinsey & Company estimates that by 2026, retail media will contribute $1.3 trillion to enterprise values in the U.S., with $820 billion of that amount accruing to retailers. Profit margins for retail media platforms are projected to range between 50% and 70%, with the Boston Consulting Group predicting margins as high as 70% to 90% by 2026 . These high margins starkly contrast with the traditionally low-growth, low-margin core businesses of many retailers, making retail media an attractive avenue for expansion.

Diverse Approaches to Retail Media

Retail media encompasses a variety of strategies tailored to different retail models. For "high-low pricing" retailers like CVS and Tesco, which operate physical stores and offer frequent promotions, retail media focuses on delivering digital coupons through loyalty and rewards programs. These targeted coupons, timed to coincide with purchasing decisions, have proven highly effective, driving significant sales lifts for brands .

Conversely, retailers with fewer price promotions, such as Walmart and Amazon, emphasize sponsored search and advertising on their e-commerce platforms. Here, the goal is to assist customers in discovering products rather than discounts. Additionally, some retailers are extending their reach beyond their e-commerce sites by selling advertising on third-party platforms like Facebook, YouTube, and TikTok. This innovation allows them to influence customers earlier in the purchasing funnel, leveraging first-party transaction data for precise targeting .

Navigating Strategic Challenges

While retail media offers substantial benefits, it also introduces several strategic challenges for both retailers and manufacturers.

  1. Organizational Tensions: The integration of retail media disrupts traditional retailer-manufacturer relationships. Previously, negotiations were primarily conducted between brand sales teams and retail merchants. Now, media teams and loyalty program departments also play crucial roles. This complexity can lead to internal resistance, as evidenced by a large global grocery retailer where 75% of brand-requested campaigns were initially blocked by merchants fearing reduced bargaining power .
  2. Transparency Issues: In retail media, retailers both execute the advertising and report on its performance, breaching the fundamental principle of separating execution from measurement. This lack of transparency can lead to obfuscation and mistrust. Brands may not know which impressions they are buying, the margins retailers earn, or the attribution algorithms used. Independent ad-fraud detection software and alternative reporting systems are essential to address these concerns .
  3. Bargaining Power Shifts: Retail media platforms can shift bargaining power from brands to retailers. As platforms scale, retailers become less dependent on major brands to attract customers. Retail media can also lower entry barriers, increasing competition by enabling smaller brands to gain visibility. This dynamic requires manufacturers to find new sources of differentiation and innovation to maintain their competitive edge .

Recommendations for Retailers and Manufacturers

To thrive in the retail media age, both retailers and manufacturers must adapt their strategies and internal processes.

  • For Retailers: Creating new touchpoints with manufacturers, developing transparent reporting systems, and initially focusing on collaboration are crucial. Over time, the emphasis will shift towards bargaining over the value created by retail media. Building experimentation capabilities into retail media platforms and aligning merchants and media teams on extracting value from retail media are essential steps .
  • For Manufacturers: Sales, media, finance, and marketing teams must work together in the new retailer relationship. Developing independent reporting systems to evaluate ad spending return and playing a role in establishing measurement standards are vital. Manufacturers should also prepare for the bargaining power shift by focusing on differentiation and innovation, as exemplified by P&G's response to private labels disrupting traditional relationships .


The rise of retail media is fundamentally transforming the retail landscape, creating new growth opportunities and strategic challenges. Retailers and manufacturers that successfully navigate this shift will be well-positioned to capitalize on the high-growth, high-margin potential of retail media. By rethinking collaboration and internal processes, they can unlock significant value and drive sustained growth in the evolving market.

Retail media is not just a trend but a profound change in how retailers and manufacturers interact, collaborate, and compete. The time to embrace and adapt to this change is now, ensuring a strategic advantage in the dynamic world of retail.

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